Italy holds a hidden gem of celebration: Pasquetta. While Easter may mark the pinnacle of religious observance, Pasquetta, or “Little Easter,” takes the festivities to new heights with its unique blend of tradition, camaraderie, and culinary delights.

Rooted in centuries of history, Pasquetta originated as a day of relaxation and conviviality, providing a respite from the solemnity of Easter Sunday. Historically, it served as a day for families and friends to gather outdoors, reveling in the arrival of spring and indulging in the bounty of nature.

Traditionally, Pasquetta is recognized with a spirited picnic amidst the picturesque landscapes that Italy is renowned for. Families pack wicker baskets with an array of delicacies creating a feast worthy of a celebration.

In some regions of Italy, Pasquetta takes on unique cultural nuances. In Rome, it’s customary to head to the countryside for a leisurely stroll along the ancient Appian Way, followed by a leisurely picnic amidst the ruins. In Umbria, locals gather for the “Scoppietto,” a traditional barbecue featuring succulent lamb cooked over an open flame. Everyone has their own unique way of celebrating family and community.

In today’s fast-paced world, Pasquetta offers a welcome reminder to slow down, reconnect with loved ones, and embrace the simple pleasures of life. If you missed this year, you can join in the festivities and experience the magic of Pasquetta next year! We’ll help you celebrate with a picnic offering in 2025.
Buona Pasquetta!